Starface APP

Starface APP

STARFACE UCC Mobile Client

The STARFACE Mobile Client allows you to access your VoIP telephone system via an app. So you always have the most important functions in your pocket and you can work on the go as if you were in the office. The VoIP telephony apps are available free of charge for iPhone and Android. The paid UCC Premium license is only required for SIP telephony on the server side.

Always and everywhere

This means that you can always be reached on your business phone number when you are on the move. Even in the international area you can be reached with an internet connection as if you were in the office.

Your contacts

You can of course access your contacts via the VoIP app.

Presence Management

The extensive presence management of the STARFACE telephone system shows you which of your colleagues is currently available, even when you are out and about.

Native telephony client

Our core is a high-performance, native telephony client that supports either GSM, SIP-over-LTE or SIP-over-WLAN. Users can thus be reliably reached.

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